Savita in charge of a sexy photo shoot – Comic Video
Savita bhabhi’s boss asks her to supervise a photo shoot for the company. He is sure that she will take care of the photographer and keep him satisfied.
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Savita bhabhi’s boss asks her to supervise a photo shoot for the company. He is sure that she will take care of the photographer and keep him satisfied.
Ashok tells Savita to pick up Kunal uncle from the airport as he is visiting them after 3 years. Savita remembers what happened during Kunal’s last visit.
Shobha lost her virginity to Varun, and they have been fucking regularly since then. But Varun has also been fucking Bhabhi at her home! How is it possible?
While enjoying a threesome with Varun and Savita, Shobha asks bhabhi how she lost her virginity. If you also want to know the story, watch this comic video.
Shobha waits for Savita in her bedroom for her first sex class. She tries out the lingerie till Bhabhi returns. But someone is watching her and enjoying it!
Savita saw the bra salesman who had fucked her at her home. She told Shobha about it. Now Shobha wants to know how did Savita start cheating on her husband.
Savita bhabhi and Shobha go to the same gym. But Savita takes special training sessions from the gym trainer. Shobha also wants to join Bhabhi. But can she?
Savita gets nostalgic when she goes to a wedding reception with Ashok. She remembers her wedding day. All her friends were talking about her sex adventures.
Savita Bhabhi needs to be occupied as she has leaves of 1 month from work. Here comes Suraj, her friend Shweta’s brother. He needs tuition for his exams!
Two young dicks are what Savita Bhabhi is getting for her wedding anniversary. But will she take them one at a time or both together? Watch and find out!
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