More than just an innocent co-worker

Hello, my name is Rahul, originally from Delhi but now settled in Mumbai. This is an incident that happened to me some time back, just after my breakup.

It was a Friday night, and the office was mostly empty. The lights overhead cast a soft glow on the few people still typing away, trying to finish their work before the weekend. Among the last to remain, I caught a glimpse of her across the room – Kavya. She was the kind of girl who carried an air of quiet confidence, always focused on her work, never mingling too much with the rest of us.

Kavya was 23, living alone in Mumbai, working for the same MNC as me, but we had never really crossed paths beyond occasional polite exchanges.

Working at the MNC kept me busy, and though I’d seen my co-worker Kavya around, our interactions had always been minimal, until tonight.

I wrapped up my tasks for the day and felt a pull to go over to her. I’d always been curious, and intrigued by her calm demeanor and the way she seemed to move through life with quiet determination. Tonight, something urged me to break the ice.

“Hey, Kavya,” I said, walking over to her desk. “Still working?”

My colleague looked up, her dark eyes meeting mine with a soft smile. “Yeah, just finishing up. You?”

“Same here,” I replied, leaning against her desk casually. “I realized we have never really talked much, despite being on the same floor.”

She laughed, a gentle sound. “Yeah, I guess we have been too busy to notice.”

A simple conversation followed – about work, our lives, how long we’d both been in the city. It was easy, effortless. By the time we both decided to leave, we had exchanged numbers, and as we walked out of the office building together, I felt a spark I hadn’t anticipated.

That night, I sent her a casual text.

Me: It was nice chatting with you today. Hope I didn’t distract you from work too much.😅

To my surprise, her response came quickly.

Kavya: Not at all! I was pretty much done anyway. How’s your night going?

We started with work talk, but soon, the conversation became lighter, playful even. Her wit was sharp, and I found myself smiling as our banter grew more personal.

Me: You seem like the type who keeps to herself. Didn’t expect you to be this fun to talk to!

Kavya: I am full of surprises. You’ll have to keep texting to find out more.😉

The night passed with us exchanging more texts, playful and flirtatious, and by the time we both said goodnight, I couldn’t help but think about her more than I should have.

The next day, I mustered up the courage to ask my co-worker if she’d like to meet.

Me: Up for a movie? There’s a new romcom playing, and I think you’ll love it.

To my delight, she agreed. That evening, we met at a multiplex, and it felt surprisingly natural. We grabbed our tickets, settled into our seats, and the movie started. The first half passed uneventfully – typical Bollywood stuff. But after the interval, things shifted.

We went to grab popcorn, and as we walked back to our seats, her hand brushed against mine. Neither of us pulled away. The subtle touch lingered, and when we sat back down, our hands found each other again, this time intentionally. Her fingers were soft, and delicate, and before I knew it, we were holding hands in the darkened theater, neither saying a word.

By the time the movie ended, nothing more had happened, but the energy between us had changed. We headed for dinner afterward, and though the conversation remained light, there was an undercurrent of something more – something unspoken but very much there.

The following day, Kavya called me. “Hey, Rahul, are you free? I could use some help with something at my place.”

I agreed, more than happy to see her again. When I arrived at her apartment, I knocked on the door, and she opened it, standing there in a fitted dress that hugged her curves perfectly. My breath hitched for a second. She looked stunning – effortlessly beautiful in a way that caught me off guard.

“Come in,” she said, her voice casual, but there was a glint in her eyes that told me this was no ordinary visit.

I stepped inside, and before I could even ask what she needed help with, she walked toward me, her body language signaling something else entirely. Her hand gently touched my arm, and in that moment, words became unnecessary.

Our eyes locked, and suddenly, we were kissing. Her lips were soft, eager, and I felt the heat rise between us. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer as the kiss deepened, growing more intense by the second.

We stumbled toward the couch, her hands tugging at my shirt, mine exploring the curves of her body. The tension from the past few days had built up, and now, in her living room, it all came pouring out.

I pulled her closer, lifting her slightly, and we collapsed onto the couch together, our bodies pressed against each other, the heat palpable. Her breath was hot against my neck as she whispered, “I’ve been waiting for this.”

Time seemed to blur after that. Clothes were discarded, lips exploring skin, hands gripping and pulling. We moved together, in sync, bodies colliding in a rush of passion. My co-worker guided my hands to her wet pussy, her movements confident, and we found ourselves tangled in different ways, exploring each other with growing urgency.

Her apartment was filled with soft gasps and the rustle of sheets as we moved from the couch to the floor, the connection between us electric. There was no holding back now, and every touch, every kiss, pushed us further into a space of pure desire.

We were fucking like wild animals, pausing in between just to grasp the air. Finally, as we lay beside each other, breathless, I looked over at her. She smiled, her fingers lazily tracing patterns on my chest.

“This… was unexpected,” she said softly, her voice full of satisfaction.

I grinned, leaning in to kiss her again. “There’s more to come,” I whispered, my hand resting on her waist.

We both knew this was just the beginning.

If you wanna chat or talk, feel free to reach out to me. My email: [email protected]

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