Unexpected Attractions

Meet Mohit, myself, a 32-year-old married guy who is funny, foodie, jolly and interested in young girls. And here’s Deeksha, a 19-year-old college student. A sweet girl who never realised she could be drawn to older men until she met Mohit.

I am writing this story first time, so kindly apologise for any mistakes. Well, I would not mention about looks of Deeksha or mine. I would leave that to your imagination.

I met a girl named Deeksha in my society in Gurgaon, where I had recently moved and started giving tuition. Deeksha’s mother approached me to discuss my experience in tutoring.

Deeksha was pursuing a degree in computer science, and I was a CS engineer. It was easy for her to get her daughter enrolled in my tuition. She offered me extra money to provide Deeksha with one-on-one classes instead of group sessions. I happily agreed.

About Deeksha, she was an exceptionally innocent, down-to-earth, and sweet girl. Soon, I earned a reputation as a very cool teacher in society and started receiving many inquiries for personal tuition. However, due to my job, I couldn’t commit to more students.

Deeksha, feeling comfortable with me, began opening up not only about her studies but also about her personal life. She started confiding in me about her life experiences related to friends and family.

One day, I noticed her in a mall with a guy during her college hours. Later, I discovered that he was her boyfriend. I decided to confront her about it that evening during our class.

Mohit: Deeksha, can I ask you something?

Deeksha: Yes, Sir?

Mohit: How was your college today?

Deeksha: It was good, Sir! Why are you asking?

Mohit: And how was the movie?

Deeksha (asked surprisingly): Which movie, Sir?

Mohit: Don’t act innocent. I saw you today at the mall.

You were supposed to be in college, weren’t you?

Deeksha: (Looks down, feeling embarrassed) I… umm… we were hanging out. I’m sorry, Sir. We just watched a movie and came back home, I swear!

Mohit: Deeksha, it’s okay. I’m not here to scold you. It happens at your age. By the way, who was that guy?

Deeksha: He’s a friend.

Mohit: So you go to the movies holding hands with friends?

Deeksha (getting tensed): Sir, please don’t tell anyone.

Mohit: Don’t worry, I won’t tell. You can trust me. Tell me, was he your boyfriend?

Deeksha: Yes Sir.

Mohit: How long have you been together?

Deeksha: It’s been five months, Sir.

Mohit: That’s fine. I don’t see any adverse impact on your studies. So, all is good from my side. Enjoy and take care of yourself.

As soon as I said this, her face turned pale and emotionless as if she was bothered about something.

Mohit: What’s wrong? Is something bothering you?

Deeksha: (Nods) Yes, Sir, No Sir, I mean yes. It’s just that… I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed lately.

Mohit: Tell me more.

Deeksha: No, Sir, it is okay.

Mohit: You can tell me, Deeksha. It’s totally fine. I have gone through this phase.

Deeksha: Sir, but I feel ashamed.

Mohit: Do you feel ashamed or embarrassed? There is a difference between the two.

Deeksha: Embarrassed.

Mohit: Then write it down and tell me.

Deeksha (with her head down): Actually, Sir, my boyfriend is pushing me to get physical with him.

Mohit: I see. But this is normal nowadays. Couples do get physical.

Deeksha: I know, Sir, but…

Mohit: But?

Deeksha: I’m not ready and don’t feel safe going to hotels and all. And when I refuse, we end up fighting frequently over this.

Mohit: I understand. Tell me something, honestly.

Deeksha: What?

Mohit: Today, was the plan to do something in the movie? Like kissing and other stuff? Watching the movie was just an excuse, right?

Deeksha kept quiet, and her face was down with embarrassment.

Mohit: I will take that as Yes. Now tell me, And it was his idea? Right?

Deeksha: Yes Sir.

Mohit: And you were not fully comfortable today either?

Deeksha: Yes!

Mohit: Hmm, understood.

Deeksha: Sir, please don’t tell anyone about this. I trust you deeply. You’re very cool, chill, and non-judgmental, which is why I’m sharing all this with you.

Mohit: You can trust me, Deeksha. And you can ask me anything. I would be happy to help you and guide you. Tell me, and you can choose not to answer it if you want. You don’t want to get physically involved, or are you just afraid of doing it in a public place?

Deeksha (embarrassingly): Sir, you too. What kind of question is that?

Mohit: If you don’t want to answer, that’s fine. I won’t push you.

Deeksha: You’re understanding enough to know it, Sir. What should I say?

Mohit: Haha, I understand. Chill, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s normal at your age. I’m not here to judge you so that you can share anything.

As we continued to talk for the next few days, I realised she had many confusions about sexual relationships and intimacy. I helped clarify those for her. She told me that her boyfriend would sometimes kiss her in the park or his car parked in secluded places.

He would also touch her breasts over her clothes and ask her to show them to him. However, due to fear of being in an open place, she never could. She also wanted to but was afraid to do so. Soon, our chats turned more personal, and we both got comfortable having adult and erotic conversations.

I knew that both her parents worked, leaving her alone at home until the evening. So, I suggested that she could invite her boyfriend over to her house to spend time together. It would be safe, and she could call me anytime if any help were required since I worked from home.

She was surprised initially. But after some convincing, she agreed and invited him over. They enjoyed their time together, and afterwards, she would tell me all about what they did and how it went. She would ask me how she could make things better, and I would guide her.

This exchange went on for two months. Before we knew it, we had grown close and become good friends. As the days went by, Deeksha and I started coming closer emotionally. Our daily tuitions became a routine we both looked forward to.

Initially, there were accidental touches. Our hands brushed while passing a book, or our shoulders grazed as we leaned over the table. Gradually, these touches became more intentional. A light touch on the arm, a fleeting hand on the shoulder.

We often found ourselves looking into each other’s eyes, holding the gaze a little longer than necessary. Sometimes, after a particularly good session or when she seemed upset, we would share a hug. Deeksha got very comfortable around me.

She began wearing shorts or clothes that exposed her navel, belly, or cleavage, showcasing more of her skin. I couldn’t help but notice and start praising her beauty. “You look stunning today, Deeksha,” I would say admiringly.

She would smile shyly, her cheeks tinged with a hint of blush, and softly replied, “Thanks, sir.”

One day, during a study session, Deeksha wore shorts that ended right at her thighs. The sight of her bare skin was intoxicating. I couldn’t resist the urge to touch her. I placed my hand gently on her thigh, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath my fingers.

To my surprise, she didn’t try to remove it. But instead smiled shyly, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink. My heart raced with excitement and nervousness. Another time, I found myself unable to resist looking at her cleavage.

Deeksha noticed my gaze but did not try to hide it. Instead, meeting my eyes with a knowing smile. Her confidence and acceptance of my attraction made my desire for her grow even stronger. As time passed, I started seeing Deeksha more romantically and lustfully, and my eyes began to show it.

Deeksha noticed the subtle hints and the way I stared at her. To my surprise, she seemed to like it. She started loving the attention she was getting from me and enjoyed the way I looked at her with desire. She began to wear shorter clothes intentionally.

She would often bend over more than necessary, giving me glimpses of her cleavage to excite me. Our conversations took on a more playful tone, with casual flirting slipping into our exchanges. These moments were filled with laughter, subtle intimacy, and mutual attraction.

They became the highlights of our time together, deepening the bond we shared. Deeksha and I grew closer. Our interactions started to take on a flirtatious tone. I couldn’t help but feel a surge of attraction towards her. I decided to express my feelings playfully.

“If you were in your late 20s, or if I were younger,” I teased, “I would have proposed to you by now.” Deeksha, caught up in the banter, responded with a coy smile, “And I would have said yes without hesitation.” Our playful flirting became a regular thing.

Each exchange was filled with subtle innuendos and suggestive remarks. As we teased and taunted each other, the air between us crackled with palpable sexual tension. I found myself gazing at Deeksha a little longer than before. She would blush under my intense scrutiny.

In one candid moment, she playfully remarked, “If your wife happens to be away for some more time, I would happily extend my stay to spend more time with you.” Her words hung in the air, charged with a mix of humour and underlying desire.

Our chemistry was undeniable. It seemed only a matter of time before our playful flirtation crossed into something more intimate. As our flirtation grew bolder, I couldn’t resist testing the boundaries of our playful banter.

“Let’s say my wife decides to visit her hometown for a few days,” I proposed with a mischievous glint in my eye. “Would you dare to stay over for the night?”

Deeksha, intrigued by the proposition, met my gaze with a coy smile. “Hmm, I’ll have to think about such a tempting offer,” she teased, her voice laced with playful anticipation. Our exchange was filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

It hinted at the possibility of taking our relationship to a new level of intimacy. My playful inquiry didn’t deter Deeksha’s enthusiasm. She met my gaze with a mischievous glint. “Aren’t you afraid of staying with a married guy?” I teased, raising an eyebrow.

Deeksha responded with a playful smirk, “Well, at least that married guy would take care of me and give me the princess treatment,” she quipped confidently. The air between us crackled with anticipation. Our playful banter danced on the edge of something more.

Our mutual attraction simmering just beneath the surface. During the last two months, she invited her boyfriend over about seven to eight times. But she hadn’t lost her virginity yet because she was afraid. They would make out and enjoy each other’s company.

Despite these personal developments, her academic performance improved. As her teacher, I had no issues with what she was doing in her personal life. I asked her why she hadn’t lost her virginity yet.

She said: Sir, these boys are too demanding and restless. They want everything all at once. They don’t have patience. They think about themselves.

Mohit: So, that means you are not enjoying with him?

Deeksha: It’s not like that, Sir. We have a good time together, but when he asks for intercourse, I refuse, and we end up fighting. He apologises later, and I forgive him. A few days later, I invited him over again, and we fought over the same issue. This has been going on for two months. What should I do?

Mohit: You know, I have also gone through such a situation. It took me a long time to understand that it’s okay to set boundaries and that communication is the key. You should always prioritise your comfort and consent.

One day, Deeksha’s birthday arrived. I asked her what gift she wanted. She smiled and said, “I’m busy on my birthday, but the day after, I want you. I want to spend the entire day with you.”

Mohit: Why with me?

Deeksha: Because we are good friends. You’ve helped me so much, both personally and academically. You deserve a party from me.

Mohit: What if someone sees us? There’s quite an age difference between us. I am 32 and married, and you are just 19.

Deeksha: I don’t care, Sir. I just know you are far, far better than my college friends and boyfriend. I feel much safer and secure with you.

I agreed to her request. I made some preparations for our day together, including buying gifts and booking movie tickets. Finally, the day arrived when we were to meet. I picked her up in my car, and we went for a long drive. During the drive, I gave her the gift.

Deeksha: What’s inside?

Me: It’s something you’ll really like.

Deeksha: So, what’s the plan for today?

Me: Let’s watch a movie.

Deeksha: This early? It’s not even 9 AM yet.

Me: That’s exactly why we should go now.

Deeksha: Sir, you’ve really spoiled me. I always thought I’d go to a morning show with my boyfriend someday, but I never got the chance. But today, I won’t say no to you. Take me wherever you want.

Then we went to the movies, and I had already booked corner seats in advance. She wasn’t surprised. We both knew this was coming and where this would lead to. But by now, we both wanted it but no one dared to say it. We wanted to cross our limits, but time was checking our patience.

Our desires simmered beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to emerge. We reached our seats and sat down, noticing that there was no one else in the entire last row. Then the lights went completely off. I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and she was wearing an off-shoulder top and denim shorts.

Then the movie started. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement. Her head found its place on my shoulder. I summoned all my courage to lean in and kiss her forehead tenderly. “Happy Birthday, Deeksha,” I whispered.

She reached for my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine, “Thank you, Sir. You haven’t just spoiled me, but you’ve also made me wiser. Now, I understand a lot of things around me. Thank you for everything.”

Then we started watching the movie. I was gently caressing her shoulders and hands with affection. We removed the handrest between our seats and came closer. She moved a little closer to me and hugged me, her hand resting on my lap. I started to get aroused, which she noticed.

She looked at me, our eyes met, and we shared a smile. Then, she returned her focus to the movie. I continued to caress her hand and moved it down to her waist. I gently lifted her top and tenderly caressed her waist. At that moment, she let out a soft moan of pleasure, “Aah!”

I noticed she had closed her eyes and wanted to savour the moment. I continued to caress her waist and navel with love. She clenched her fists tightly and buried her face in my chest. I lifted her face and looked into her eyes, asking her, “Deeksha, Won’t you stop me?”

She said, “I won’t ever stop you. Whatever I have experienced with my boyfriend before today, or whatever knowledge I have now, it’s all because of you. You have the right over me. I have waited for this moment for some time. Today, I won’t stop you a bit. I am all yours.”

Upon hearing her words, I placed my lips on hers and began to kiss her tenderly. I kissed her lips with love, and she reciprocated.

To be continued.

If you like the story, please let me know your thoughts and comments via DM/mail/chat at [email protected]. I will be waiting for your feedback and a good, memorable conversation.

Next Part: Unexpected Attractions – Part 2

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