A Big Hanging Cock in the Train

Hello everyone, I am Prithviraj from Hyderabad, India. This is one of my first experiences in this beautiful, erotic gay world. If you are someone who gives importance to the story, the feeling, the experience, the seduction, the foreplay, then I have written this for you.

If you people like my story, then I would request you to take a couple of minutes and give your feedback to my mail at [email protected]. Your feedback made me decide if I should continue writing this style of story.

Let me not waste any more time of yours. This happened when I was around 18 years of age. I have recently completed my junior college. I applied for the Emcet examination. Soon, the day arrived when I needed to take my examination.

I live in a very remote corner of Andhra Pradesh. There was no facility to give my examination at my place. So, I selected Hyderabad as the venue for my examination. But the problem was I had none of my family members or my friends who were in Hyderabad.

I had to stay in Hyderabad for at least an overnight. The problem was I didn’t know where to stay.  My father spoke with a few of his friends. They suggested the best option for me was to spend a couple of days in Hyderabad and stay in a hostel near my examination centre.

This was the very first time I had travelled alone. Hyderabad was one of the biggest cities I have ever visited. My father was occupied with his important work so he couldn’t travel with me. They were all scared as this was my first time travelling alone.

But I convinced them that everything would be all right and started my journey. I booked my train tickets a month earlier. But due to the examinations season the tickets didn’t get confirmed. I decided that I would board a general compartment.

But once the train arrived, I was shocked. There was not even a space where I could keep my feet in and board the train. I tried entering the train, but people pushed me out. They said there was no space there and asked me to try my luck somewhere else.

Now, I had the only option to board a reservation compartment. Suddenly, someone from behind dashed me. I turned around, and I saw a 6-foot handsome, middle-aged not so dark man carrying around half a dozen luggage. As soon as he bumped into me, one of his luggage fell.

He started shouting at me, saying, “The train is about to start. If you’re not boarding, then move your ass and give space to the people who want to get in.”  The man again shouted, “Could you help me carry that fallen luggage to my compartment?”

I obeyed and picked up his luggage, and started sprinting behind him. After crossing half a dozen compartments came his first-class AC compartment. While boarding the train, the man turned around. He made a sign to me to board the train and handover his luggage at his place.

I went in and was spellbound with the neatness and hygiene of the compartment. I have never seen a first-class compartment before. They had multiple small rooms like private cabins with doors. I quickly went inside and handed him his luggage.

I was about to leave when the man thanked me for my generosity and help. I gave a smile and was about to get down and catch a different compartment. Then, his firm hand held my shoulder from behind. He asked me if I had come down to give a sendoff to someone.

I answered a big no and said that I was looking for a compartment where there was little space for me to fit in, as my reservation hadn’t been confirmed.

The man smiled and replied, “You bumped into your luck today. I have one extra berth in my coach. At the last moment, my wife had to skip travelling with me, and as the chart was prepared, I couldn’t cancel my wife’s ticket. If you are fine, you can stay here and travel with me.”

I replied, “Sir, I can’t bear this first-class ticket. It’s too expensive for me, and I’m afraid I can’t afford it.” The man laughed and said, “Call me with my name James. Why would I accept any money from a young and cute little kid?”

He continued, “As I didn’t have the option to cancel the ticket, I have decided to travel alone. But after seeing your genuine gesture and helping hand, I have changed my mind and offered you to share my cabin.” I was so happy and instantly agreed to his offer.

By the way, let me give you people more info about myself and the way I look. As I said earlier, I recently turned 18. Being small and fragile, I was a very fair and handsome-looking stud. I am not that bubbly, but I have a body type with pure curves. I have a stunning curvy bubble butt.

I am of medium height with curly hair. Many call me attractive with my looks and I have my fanbase. But I am a very shy person and hardly speak with others. I should stress saying I’m a pure virgin with no proper knowledge of sex or its terminologies. Knowledge of what gay, lesbian or bi meant was completely nil.  I didn’t even know how babies were born. All I used to do was study, study, study.

Now let me give some input on the man called James. I’m going to spend the whole night with him in a closed first-class AC cabin. He was around 6 feet or 6’2″ tall, manly built with a huge torso. He looked as if he was around 40 or 45 years of age. He was little on the darker side.

The way he dressed and the way he carried made him look more handsome. I think he does go to the gym, as those muscular arm shapes can be seen through his shirt. Not sure about his work profile. But I am sure he might be doing some professional job.

Once I was inside the cabin, I sat on one of the soft berths. I took my books out and started my preparation. James strolled around the couch for some time and came inside the cabin. He locked the door and sat beside me. He started asking me about my details like what I was studying, my age, and where I was from.

Why was I travelling alone, and what were my reasons for travelling, etc? He was sitting so close that I was feeling uncomfortable. But the way he smelt his perfume/body spray was refreshing and soothing. The initial discomfort started turning to comfortableness unknowingly.

At one point in time, he placed his hand on my thigh. He kept in that position for about a minute and slowly slid his hand towards my upper inner thigh. It gave me a 1000 volts shock-like thunder feeling. I was not sure what was happening.

I was not sure if it was done intentionally or if I was overreacting. No one has ever touched me that way. I might have felt something different is what I assumed.  Suddenly, someone knocked on the cabin door. James pointed with this finger to be calm and to be in pin-drop silence mode.

He asked me to move to the starting corner of the berth behind the door, and I obeyed. He walked towards the door, unlocked it, and kept it slightly open so that no one could enter. James was standing in front of me. I was trying to squeeze in as much as possible so that no one would see me.

I was a little scared that it was the Ticket collector. I didn’t have any valid 1st Class AC ticket with me. When I was in these thoughts, I suddenly felt a strong pull from a firm hand behind the back of my head. In a second, my face was digging deep into James’s groin area.

My nose and mouth were rubbing into his pants. I was in a sitting position, and he was standing in front of me. From that half-opened door, he was peeping out and speaking with someone. So, no one from the outside could see what was going on inside.

I was trying my best to free myself from his grip as I could hardly breathe. But he had such strong muscle and power that every effort of mine went into vain. All I could do was hear what they were saying. The person outside asked for the ticket.

James, with his other hand, handed him his mobile and said here are my tickets. I realised it was a ticket collector. I reduced my efforts to free myself as I might bring some attention to TC (Ticket Collector). But in the meantime  I started to feel some sensation going on near to my face.

There was something in his pants. It was earlier soft by touch had started to bulge. I could feel it as my face was so closely rubbing his pants. I could feel that every second, something was growing harder, longer, tougher and fatter. I could calculate its length.

I knew it was longer than my face. I could feel its hardness from the top of my face to the bottom of my mouth. I did not know what was happening. Why did James hold me this way in this position? It was so uncomfortable and shocking.

Then I heard TC asking if his (James’s) wife accompanied him. He firmly, without any hesitation, said, “Yes, she did. She is right now in the Cabin and trying on a new outfit for tomorrow’s wedding reception. That’s the reason I didn’t open the door completely. We need some private space.”

TC laughed and said, “Women!” and continued walking away. “Now, I am not going to disturb you. The whole room (Cabin) is all yours. Do whatever you people want.” I could hear his steps fade away into the corridor. But still, James was holding me in the same position for another couple of minutes.

He then locked the door. Finally, he let me free from his tight grip, and all I could do was take a long, deep breath. I was almost suffocating and gasping for breath. I was mad at him, and I didn’t say anything.

But James, seeing my angry face, said, “Hey, Kid, I have saved you from the clutches of TC. I hold you tight, and your lips are tightly closed. I made sure you didn’t utter a sound and get the TC suspicious. I did not allow him to budge in and ask you for your ticket. For which he will fine you 10 times the ticket price. If you fail to pay the price, he might get you arrested by CRPF or make you get down in the next station.”

He continued, “With the efforts you were trying to get into the train and the way you are studying, made me think this is something very important for you.” I started thinking whatever he was saying was true. It reminded me of my situation, which I am in.

I quickly came to my senses and regretted my behaviour. I right away apologised to him. He smiled and walked closer to me. He stood so close to me that my face again was exactly in front of his pants. I could see there was something long and hard trying to pop out of his pants.

To be continued.

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