Saleem And Rehana – The Perfect Couple – Part 2

Saleem And Rehana – The Perfect Couple

A small alarm bell went off in Rehana’s head. What was happening? How did this suddenly become a man and a woman embracing on a love seat, out of sight of any of the other party guests? And out of contact with her loving husband? She tried to rise, but he had made the seat now swing quite quickly.

Her head spun. She had to close her eyes, fearful she might throw up. Ravi Sharma’s mouth and the lips that had been pressing soft kisses on Rehana’s head now moved across her forehead. He kissed her closed eyes. She was surprised to feel his hot breath and his warm lips now kissing her cheek.

Then his lips lightly touched hers and she realized that it was high time to protest. The situation was getting out of hand.

“Please, don’t!”

“You are the most beautiful woman this town has ever seen. I can’t believe that Saleem has been hiding you away since he joined us.”

The mention of her husband’s name instilled a sudden sense of reality to Rehana. She again tried to rise from the swinging love seat.

“I must go back to the house, I don’t feel very well.”

“My dear Rehana, you’ve just had a bit too much wine. I suggest you just relax here for a moment or two and you’ll gradually recover.”

“I’ll only stay if you don’t try to kiss me. I don’t like that.”

“I’m sure you do like kissing. Rehana, you appear to me to be a very sexy, seductive woman. I would bet that kissing is a very big part of your life, isn’t it?”

“Ummmm!” was all she could manage before she felt his lips touching hers. they were sensuously pressed together, but not clamped tightly shut. Then his tongue slipped out of his mouth to lick across her lips.

She opened her mouth to protest. “No, don’t!” She lifted one hand and placed it at his chest, trying to push him away. She didn’t apply a lot of pressure and the gesture was futile.

But the “No, don’t!” was all that she could say. As his tongue pressed in between her parted lips and slipped across her teeth to make bold contact with her tongue. She whimpered quite loudly from behind the kiss but didn’t withdraw her tongue.

His tongue painted the surface of her tongue, across the tip, along the top, even swirling around to the underside. Rehana whimpered again. The hand that had pushed at his chest voluntarily lifted and draped across the back of his neck, holding his head to her. His lips and tongue assaulted the inside of her mouth.

His tongue was unrelenting, never giving her a chance to protest further. ‘Why do I like this, why am I participating, this is madness,’ she thought. But she didn’t make any effort to stop him. The hand draped around his neck encouraging him.

‘I should never have allowed myself to get into such a compromising position, but it all happened so quickly. I can’t stop him now, he’s Saleem’s boss and I don’t want to offend him. Who knows what that could do to Saleem’s career?’

Through her alcoholic haze, she felt a hand on her breast, mauling and massaging it, arousing the nipple. That was at least for the moment, still covered by her dress. She heard herself whimper again as their tongues wrestled inside her mouth.

‘I wish I could just stop participating, I am making it worse, I am encouraging him. He must think I am such a slut.’

The hand on her breast was gone. but her mind was now clear enough to realize that it would reappear someplace else, to touch another part of her soon. Possibly somewhere more intimate, a more exposed part. She clamped her thighs together in anticipation of where his hand would land.

Only to feel his hand on the outside of her leg, pushing her tight saree upward, exposing her upper left leg. Rehana tried to push her bottom down harder onto the still gently swinging seat, attempting to stop him from lifting her saree. The bottom hem was now at an angle.

Still modestly covering her right thigh to just above her knee. The one closest to his body, but angling up so that it barely covered her hip on her left side. She felt his hand rummaging under the front of her saree, tugging it upward.

“Please don’t rip the saree,” she pleaded, managing to tear her mouth away from his, dropping the hand that was holding his head to hers.

“If I do, I’ll buy you two to replace it.”

“Why are you doing this to me? It’s not right.”

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

“But I am not available to you. I have a husband who loves me.”

“Saleem will have to learn to share you. One man alone cannot keep such a gorgeous woman to himself.”

His hand had managed to forage underneath the front of her saree, pulling at it enough to create an area for his fingers to work in. She felt them touching the soft sensitive skin of her upper thigh, just before the point where her thighs met at her mound.

Rehana jumped with shock at the first touch of his fingers on her panty-covered mound. “No, don’t … please,” she begged.

His fingers touched the damp crotch of her panty. “You are so wet, don’t tell me you don’t want this.”

“I don’t … I don’t!” But her body was already betraying Rehana. Her juices now soaking her panties as his fingers pulled the flimsy material aside. She gasped aloud as she felt two fingers touch her skin under the crotch of her panties.

Tracing up the now very wet slit formed by her outer labia lips, then back down again. Despite her verbal protest, she let out a moan and the leg muscles unclamped. Her thighs parting slightly in the tight confines of her thin black saree.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Ravi Sharma took advantage of the improved access that her unwitting move afforded him. His fingers came back to the top of her now opening slit. they teased out the little bud of her clitoris, causing her to cry out.

His lips claimed her moist lips again and he didn’t have to force her lips to part this time. Her tongue greeted his wetly and warmly, locking together in sweet combat while his fingers swirled around her rapidly stiffening clit. He stroked and stroked it.

They could both hear her breathing laboring above the party sounds in the distance. Each breath was longer and she combined it with whimpers that would have been full-blooded moans had her lips not been covered by his.

‘This is madness,’ she thought through the hazy effect of the wine she had consumed this night. ‘I’m going to come any minute. Not by my husband’s fingers, but in the arms of a man that I’ve only just met. This has never happened to me before, and should not be happening. But I can’t stop it now, I could ruin Saleem’s career.’

Having justified her predicament to herself, Rehana relaxed against his body. Now seeking and accepting the sexual release she knew this man could and would give her any minute now. As a signal to him of her acceptance of his actions, she slipped her arm up around his back again.

Her fingers stroked through his hair, forcing his head to push his lips tighter to hers. The throbbing began so deeply inside her body, somewhere behind her cunt. Gradually it rose to the surface as the pulsing in her body erupted under his expert fingers.

Her lower body began jerking spasmodically, trying to draw every ounce of ultimate pleasure from his probing fingers. He withdrew his mouth and that allowed her to cry out her release in the still night air. Barely disturbed here by the party sounds coming from the house.

“Aaahhhh! Aaahhhh!” She tried to still her body’s movements, now embarrassed by coming so rapidly and easily at the hands of a stranger. But she couldn’t stop the spasms emanating from within her cunt. She opened her eyes, looking up to see his eyes watching her carnal enjoyment with lust.

As the pulsing eased, she said to him, “What?” as he continued to stare into her eyes.

“Not only are you a very beautiful woman but a highly sexual one. We will have some lovely times together.”

“No, we won’t!” She was instantly defiant. “This will never happen again. I just had too much wine. You caught me in a very weak moment.”

“The next time will be better. We will be in bed … yours or mine, it doesn’t matter.”

“No, I told you. It won’t ever happen again,” she continued to protest.

He was ignoring her protests. “Would you like Saleem to watch our first time together? I could arrange it, you know. That would be very sensual. A man giving his beautiful wife to his boss to further his career.”

The man’s words frightened Rehana, they seemed threatening. “What are you? No, I don’t want him there watching.” She was flustered and hadn’t chosen her words carefully.

“Okay, so you would rather it be just the two of us  in bed together.”

“No, I didn’t mean that. It won’t happen, I don’t want it to.”

“Your body told me something else, Rehana. I’ll call you!”

“No … no … don’t! I won’t answer!”

“You better, Rehana. I’m used to getting what I want … and I want you! And very soon!”

From not far away, a female voice spoke, startling the couple in the rotunda. “Ravi Sharma, are you coming inside? We’re due to cut the cake now.”

Rehana felt his fingers withdraw from her clitoris and the swinging stopped. Ravi Sharma planted his feet firmly on the ground. Rehana’s hand dropped from behind Ravi Sharma’s head and moved to straighten her saree down at the side and front, expecting that the woman was about to enter the rotunda.

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