It wasn’t meant to be like this – Part 1

I was walking past classes to get to the staff room. I had to get a presentation ready for my next class. Most of it was already done, but there were a few items I wanted to add. I reached the staff room, opened my laptop, switched it on and logged in.

While I was working on my presentation, I heard some of the other staff coming in. They wished me, and I reciprocated but quickly turned my attention to my presentation. A few minutes later, my presentation was done. As I was heading to my next class, I bumped into Anita who was near the door.

‘Heading to your next class, Prem sir?’ she asked.

‘Yes, I am. Are all your classes done, Anita ma’am?’ I asked.

‘Yes, all down for the day and please, I’ve told you many times not to call me ma’am,’ said Anita with a smile. ‘Also, I’ll wait for you as I want to discuss something important.’

‘Sure, we’ll meet after my class,’ I said as I left in a hurry.

An hour later, I returned to the staff room. Anita was there along with some of the other staff, waiting for me. I smiled and nodded. ‘Give me a few minutes,’ I said, ‘and then we’ll leave.’

Anita nodded, and I went to my desk, got my bag, put my laptop in and collected some of the papers on my desk. They were some of the papers I intended to correct while at home. I walked to the door and waved to Anita, and she picked up her bag and we bade goodbye to the other staff.

As we left, I heard some giggling from the staff room. I looked back at the staff room and then at Anita. ‘Seems like we missed a joke,’ I said.

‘Oh, I don’t think that’s a joke,’ Anita said. ‘They’re making fun of us, as they do with any sir and ma’am talking, not just in our department but in any department. They’re new, just a year here and I don’t think they’ve grown out from their college days, and they think any ma’am and sir chatting are an item.’

‘An item?’ I asked, ‘Like they’re dating or seeing each other outside work?’

‘Yeah, that’s right, item is the right word,’ Anita replied. ‘But they’ll get over it.’

‘So I wanted to talk to you about a student in my class. She’s in your economics class too, Asma,’ said Anita.

‘Asma,’ I thought for a while. Anita chipped in, ‘Asma is the one who sits in the middle of the girls’ section, and she does well in most of their subjects.’

‘Except mine,’ I interrupted.

‘Yes, exactly, and that’s what I wanted to talk to you. I met her mother in the PTA meeting and asked if there was some way to help her with economics,’ Anita said. ‘Her mother, Aisha, asked if there can be extra tuition or something else that can be done for her, and I said I’ll talk to you.’

‘Hmmm. Extra classes, extra tuition,’ I said as we walked to the car and bike parking. ‘I don’t know, Anita. What do you think?’

‘You can try extra tuition, but I think before you do that, you should talk to her mother, Aisha. That way, you’ll know what they’re also thinking about,’ Anita said.

‘Sure, send me her number, or you can give my number to Aisha. I want Asma to do well, and maybe we can work something out for her.’ We reached the bike park. I said goodbye to Anita. ‘I’ll ask Aisha to call you,’ she said. We then left on our respective vehicles.

I was busy over the weekend. I completely forgot about the conversation with Anita when I returned to college on Monday. I was surprised when Anita asked if Aisha had called me. ‘I’m sorry, Aisha, who?’ I asked.

‘Aisha, Asma’s mother,’ Anita said. ‘Were you not paying attention last week?’.

‘Oh yeah, Aisha. Now I remember. No, she didn’t call, but I assume you gave her my number?’ I asked.

‘Yes, I did. That’s strange. Maybe I’ll remind her,’ Anita said as we left for our classes.

That day, around noon, Aisha called. We had a good conversation and I agreed to take tuitions for Asma. Aisha shared her address. I replied that tuition could start the next week and also to let Asma know.

A week later, I was at Aisha and Asma’s house. They welcomed me in, and I sat down in their living room. I immediately became uncomfortable. Asma was dressed very differently than in college. She was dressed in a tshirt and jeans shorts while she was mostly covered up in college and even wore a hijab.

Aisha was dressed more modestly but without a hijab, too.

‘Sir,’ said Aisha. I looked at her, folded my hands to indicate a namaste, and smiled. ‘Sir, can I get you something to drink, say tea or coffee?’

‘Tea would be nice,’ I said. Aisha nodded to Asma to get it. I watched as Asma went to the kitchen with her mother and moved her ass like a model on a catwalk. I was thankful Aisha was walking with her. Otherwise, she would have seen me stare at Asma, and it would have been very awkward.

A few minutes later, Aisha returned. ‘Sir, Asma will get us tea. But I wanted to get further acquainted with you if you don’t mind.’

‘Sure,’ I said. ‘I’m Prem, and I’ve been teaching Asma economics this semester. I understand she needs help with it in order to get good marks. That’s why I’m here.’

By then, Asma turned up with tea and we got chatting. ‘I’m Aisha, and this is my daughter Asma,’ Aisha began. I smiled and nodded at them. But I was trying not to look at Asma as she looked very different from college. I didn’t want to look like I was staring at her.

‘So I’m an IT manager at a company in the city,’ Aisha continued. ‘And I drop Asma to college on my way to work. She returns home with her friends and starts studying, but we need help with economics. I want to thank you for coming over and helping out.’

Again, I nodded. ‘We can start today if needed, but in order to understand how I should teach Asma, I propose to have a test,’ I said. ‘Again, the test is to gauge Asma’s depth of economics. Based on that, I’ll plan the next steps and classes accordingly.’

‘I think that’s a wonderful idea, Prem sir,’ Aisha said. ‘What do you think, Asma?’

‘Yes, me too. I’ll do the test, sir,’ Asma echoed her mother’s words.

I reached into my bag and gave Asma the test papers. She went to her room to work on them, leaving Aisha and me in the living room.

‘So Prem sir, how long have you been teaching?’ Aisha asked.

‘It is been four years now, but please call me Prem,’ I said. ‘I’m a professor for Asma, not for you, right?’

‘Thank you,’ Aisha said with a smile. ‘I think we should go with first names unless needed, and I don’t think you’re too old either.’

‘True, Aisha, very true,’ I said, ‘but I don’t think I’m very young either. It’s been four years now.’

Aisha laughed. ‘You look young Prem. In real terms, I think I’m older than you but I don’t look it.,’ said Aisha. ‘It’s because I got married at a very young age, and then Asma was born shortly after.’

I smiled, too. ‘Yeah, my parents have been trying to find an alliance for me, so I think it will work out sometime later,’ I said. ‘By the way, is your husband also working?’

When Aisha heard this question, I saw a change in her expression. ‘I’m divorced, Prem. Khalid and I didn’t get along very well as his business was failing, and I was making good money in my career. I was progressive, and he was conservative and a traditionalist. Eventually, we went our separate ways.’

‘I understand, and sorry for asking,’ I said. It felt we were getting a little personal but it was also good to break the ice and have a normal conversation.

‘So what are you looking for in a girl?’ Aisha asked.

I flexed, ‘I’m not conservative and would want my wife to work, obviously. I know how to cook so I wouldn’t put that as a requirement, but I’m looking for someone who I can relate to and build a life with.’

‘And yeah, there’s the obvious, right?’ Aisha asked with a wink and a smile

I understood, and I smiled back. By then, Asma had returned with the test paper and I asked for some space to go through it. We moved to the dining room table. Asma sat next to me, and I went through the paper. Aisha excused herself to her room.

There were some silly mistakes in the test paper. They could easily be avoided if Asma was a little careful. As I was going through the paper, Aisha came out and went to the kitchen. A short while later, I pronounced my assessment to Aisha and Asma.

‘I think Asma knows most of the basics, and she is good at economics. There are some basic mistakes, and avoiding them will help. Some of these steps happen right at the beginning of the P and L statements. The ledger and calculations that anything further down the line gets cascaded. The numbers are way off from the expected results.’

‘I think very minimal extra tuition is required for Asma,’ I began. ‘I don’t think basic training is required but we’ll move quickly into the advanced concepts. That will help.’

Asma and Aisha smiled. ‘Thank you, Prem,’ started Aisha. ‘When can we start?’

‘How about tomorrow, after classes?’ I asked. ‘Same time tomorrow?’

‘Yes, of course,’ I said, ‘and now I’ll leave and see you tomorrow.’

‘Sure, Prem sir,’ said Asma.

‘Asma, I’ll see Prem sir out,’ said Aisha as we moved to the door.

Aisha closed the door behind me and walked with me to the lift. ‘So Prem, we didn’t discuss tuition fees,’ Aisha remarked.

‘That’s correct,’ I said, ‘ but because it’s the first time I’m taking tuition, I don’t have a specific fee in mind. Are you good with, say, Rs.1000 a month?’

‘That’s affordable, Prem,’ said Aisha.

When the lift came to our floor, both Aisha and I walked in. I thought she wouldn’t but she decided to accompany me down.

‘So Prem,’ began Aisha, ‘ as I said earlier, Rs. 1000 is fine. Please let me know if you need more, and I can work out something,’ saying this Aisha winked at me and licked her lips.

I felt a bit weird, but I felt okay with things. The lift door opened. I wished Aisha a good day and left for home. I got home, did some work for the next week, worked out at the gym, had dinner and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up and saw a message on WhatsApp from Aisha. It was a simple good morning message and I wished her back. Almost immediately, she asked how I was and what I was doing. I responded saying I just got up and getting ready to go to college.

She said she was getting ready to go to work after dropping Asma off at college and saying goodbye. That day in economics class, I found it a bit difficult to focus. In my head, I was thinking of how Asma was dressed at home and how she appeared in class.

After class, I went back to the staff room. Immediately, a thought of what Asma would look naked hit me. I couldn’t shake off the thought. I had a hard-on. After some time, Anita came into the staff room and smiled at me. I adjusted myself in my seat so my hard-on wouldn’t show. I saw Anita walking to me.

‘So, did Aisha call you? Have things progressed?’ asked Anita.

‘Yes, I met them at home,’ I started, ‘and we will begin classes this evening. And I asked for a fee of Rs. 1000.’

Anita smirked, ‘Just Rs. 1000? I think you undersold yourself.’

‘Really? Well, I’ll talk to them about raising my fees if Asma does well in the exams,’ I said.

‘You should,’ said Anita. ‘Or maybe you should ask for something else.’ Saying this, Anita smiled and walked back to her desk. I didn’t give it much thought as I couldn’t shake off the image of a naked Asma.

During the time I was talking to Anita, Aisha sent several WhatsApp messages. They were about whether I had lunch and about my classes. I replied back but even in my responses, I could only think of Asma.

After college, I went to Asma’s place and began tuition. A short while later, Aisha arrived. I smiled at her and continued with the tuition. As Asma sat in front of me working on a question I gave her, I got a hard-on.

This time, I could hide it as Asma was looking down. But my confidence got a hit as I saw Aisha walk past me to the kitchen.

‘Tea, Prem?’ Aisha asked.

I struggled with an answer but nodded yes. I got tea in some time. Along with tea, Aisha had some snacks too and joined us at the table. I couldn’t look up at Aisha, but when I did, she was smiling.

It wasn’t an appreciative smile but a smile with more intent. About an hour later, classes were over, and I wished Aisha and Asma and left for home.

The next day, I had another good message from Aisha and a weird question, ‘How’s Prem?’

I typed back, saying I was fine. Aisha asked me about Prem in my pants. This clearly indicated that she saw mine hard on the earlier day. I responded that it was a mistake and wouldn’t happen again. Aisha replied with a smiley. Needless to say, I was embarrassed but got up and continued with the day.

Nearly a month later, one day, Aisha sent me a message stating she’d pay when I came for classes that afternoon. I didn’t see Asma in the class, so I thought she was ill at home.

But that was not to be. I reached Aisha’s house in the evening and was surprised to know that Asma wasnt home.

‘She’s with Khalid,’ explained Aisha. ‘It’s part of the divorce agreement, so she’ll be coming to college from Khalid’s place for the next month.’

‘I see,’ I said. ‘If you don’t mind, I will be on my way if you pay me.’

‘About that, Prem, I will get you the money right away,’ Aisha said and went to her room. She came out shortly and handed me the money. But then she didn’t let the money go from her side, and I was confused.

‘Tell me something, Prem, is that fellow still with you? The one in your pants?’ Aisha asked. Saying this, she pulled back the money and sat on the sofa facing me.

I was embarrassed more so in front of Aisha than anything. Aisha giggled. ‘Well, honestly, yes, he’s there,’ I said with my face flushed.

‘I know,’ Aisha said, ‘but I’m talking about the fellow from last time, not the one just now.’ It immediately became evident that she was talking about my hard-on.

I blushed even more, and I sat there without saying anything.

‘Come, Prem, let’s have some tea,’ Aisha said and started towards the kitchen. ‘I made a special dish for you’. I followed her to the dining room which was beside the kitchen.

I watched Aisha making tea. I was wondering about her special dish. A short while later, Aisha served tea and on the tea tray was a dish with a cover on it.

‘Go ahead, Prem, open it,’ said Aisha.

I did and gasped almost immediately. Under the lid, on the plate, was a thong and its matching bra. I put the lid back on and looked at Aisha. She had a lust-filled look at her.

‘That dish is not for you,’ Aisha said in a sexy tone, ‘it’s for the Prem in your pants. If he’s there, I think he’ll like it very much. He’ll like it even more if I were to wear it.’

‘Aisha, don’t you find it weird? I mean, I’m your daughter’s professor in college and…,’ I started.

‘And what?’ Aisha interrupted. She also removed the lid and left the plate open for my view. Slowly, I was getting a hard-on. ‘And what Prem? You’re my daughter’s college professor, so I cannot think about you differently.’

‘Differently?’ I asked, ‘what do you mean differently?’

‘I masturbated thinking about you, Prem,’ Aisha remarked. ‘I’ve been doing it for so many days.’

I was shocked, and it was on my face. But my hard-on was fully there now. It wasn’t obvious as it was under the table. Aisha came and sat next to me. I took a sip of tea as Aisha sat there and looked at me.

‘I don’t know what to say, Aisha,’ I said nervously.

‘Do you think it’s wrong for me to think this way, Prem?’ asked Aisha. ‘I’ve been dealing with a lack of emotion and closeness for some time now. But your hard-on a month ago made me feel differently.’

I didn’t mention that I had the hard-on when I was sitting with Asma. That would have blown things.

I felt a hand on my hard-on. ‘There he is,’ Aisha exclaimed. She seemed happy. I almost spilt my tea as she gripped it hard. ‘I think you have a big dick, Prem. But I think your clothes have something to do with it.’

‘There’s something I have to tell you, Aisha,’ I said, but Aisha quickly interrupted with a finger to her lips. ‘Sshhh,’ she said. ‘Asma isn’t coming back here today, so we have some time for ourselves Prem, so please don’t say no.’

‘More than a no, Aisha,’ I explained, ‘I want to let you know that I have a big dick, it’s normal length but it’s thick.’ I felt Aisha gripping my dick harder, like I was making her want it more.

‘What do you mean?’ Aisha asked naively and gripping my dick harder under the table.

‘Why don’t you pull it out and see for yourself?’ I asked with a smile. Aisha looked at me and then back at my hard-on through my pants. I pushed myself back so Aisha could unzip my pants, but she didn’t do it.

‘Aisha… Aisha…’ I whispered to her. Aisha kept looking at my dick. I got Aisha to look at me and leaned forward for a kiss. Aisha moved back.

‘Prem, I’m sorry for my behaviour,’ Aisha said. ‘I’m not like this. I mean, I’m not like this with others.’ I felt like she was going to get emotional.

‘That’s ok, Aisha,’ and I moved forward to kiss her cheek instead of her lips. I smelled the perfume from behind her ears, but I noticed she didn’t let go of my dick. This meant I had to take charge.

‘Aisha, let me help you,’ I said and tried to lose her grip on my dick. Saying this, I stood up, unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. My full-blown hard dick in my underpants was about a foot away from Aisha’s face.

With my hand, I gestured to Aisha to stand up, and she did. ‘Aisha, it’s ok if you don’t want to do it’.

‘Do what, Prem?’ Aisha asked with a smile. I knew then that it was a green signal.

I put my index finger on her lips, and she slowly kissed it. But as I pulled my finger away, Aisha opened her mouth and began sucking on my index and middle fingers with a light moan.

That triggered me, too, and I placed my other hand on her right breast and squeezed it slightly. Aisha moaned louder than earlier, and she continued sucking on my fingers. My hard dick was harder than ever.

‘Aisha, there’s a problem here,’ I said, ‘and it applies to both of us.’ Aisha let go of my fingers and looked at me, puzzled. ‘I think we’re overdressed for all this, don’t you think?’

Aisha giggled and nodded. ‘Are you going to take off your clothes, Prem?’ she asked.

‘I want to undress you first, Aisha,’ I said and placed a hand on her hip and squeezed her.

‘Aaah… Prem… Slowly…’ Aisha said. And as she said this, I leaned forward and kissed her. She wasn’t expecting it at first but then opened her lips and mouth wider to accommodate my tongue. And we kissed for a short while, moaning and licking each other’s lips in between.

‘Aisha, I’ve taken off my pants already,’ I said in between kisses, ‘but you have taken off anything, and I want to see your inner beauty.’

‘Hahaha,’ Aisha laughed, ‘inner beauty, it seems’. And continued laughing. ‘Let’s go to my bedroom,’ saying this, Aisha took my hand and began to lead me. I stopped her.

‘This whole house is yours, and no one is here. Do we necessarily have to go to the bedroom?’ I asked.

Aisha gasped. ‘What do you mean, Prem?’ Aisha asked.

I took her hand, and we both went to the kitchen. ‘Do you have honey or jam here?’ I asked.

Aisha pointed to a cupboard and got the jam and honey, along with two spoons. ‘What do you have in mind, Prem?’ Aisha asked.

‘I’ll show you,’ I said, and I led Aisha back to the dining room. I asked her to sit on the chair. As she sat, I pulled at her t-shirt indicating her to take it off. She resisted at first but then slowly took it off, exposing her breasts in a black bra.

‘Lovely,’ I said as I looked at them. Aisha blushed a bit and looked at my dick, probing through my underpants. As she looked at it intently, I opened the jar of jam and let some of it drop onto her breasts.

‘PREM,’ Aisha was shocked. ‘What is the meaning of this?’ I put my finger to my lips, indicating her to be quiet. I then put my middle finger between her breasts and massaged it a bit.

Next Part: It wasn’t meant to be like this – Part 2

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