Mere attraction turned into love and lust

Some people come into our lives accidentally, but some accidents happen repeatedly. This girl from Mysore first came into my life in 2006. I lost her connection thrice, but she came back into my life again and again.

In the gap of 18 years, I had an accidental connection with her thrice. But all these accidents are for a good reason. Recently, I reconnected with her once again for the fourth time. Whenever my mind thinks about her, my memories go to 18 years back, and my heartbeat starts increasing.

This story is not a pure lust story. It’s a mix of love, attraction and lust. It was the final leg of the year 2006 and the beginning of 2007. At that time, I was working in a private company in Mysore. I just relocated my stay to the V V Mohalla area, considering the distance to my workplace.

I started to stay in a rented house along with my friend. My office is within walking distance. So, daily morning, I walk to the office and come back in the evening at almost a similar time. There, I saw this girl for the first time. She was staying in the same street where I was staying.

Every day, I was watching her on my way to my office. She was tall, slim and had a cute face. I am attracted to her personality. At that time, she might be around 20 years old looks like she has just completed college. Whenever I pass in that street, I usually see her in her house compound along with her sister.

I glance at her and walk away in the street. I never dared to talk to her, even to smile at her when she crossed my path. I was so eager to talk to her, but my shy nature never allowed me to do that. My heartbeat was increasing whenever I saw her.

This routine was continued for two to three months. I was happy with just one glance at that cute girl. I was feeling sad if any day I miss to see her.

I resigned from my job in Mysore and relocated to my hometown, Mangalore. That’s the end of my chapter with that girl. I never got a chance to talk to her for that short duration. I was not aware of her name, and I didn’t know her background.

It was a pleasant feeling to watch her every day. She attracted my heart and mind. But I never expected to see her again after leaving Mysore. Out of the blue, one day, I got a call from an unknown number. I answered the call, but it was silent from the other side, so I disconnected the call.

I got the call once again from the same number. I thought someone was playing with me. I answered the call again, and this time, I heard a sweet voice from the other side.

“Hello,” I heard a girl’s voice. She said hello very softly and melodiously.

Me: May I know who this is?

She: Yaaru anth gothaytha? (Didn’t you recognize me?)

She continued with the same melodious tone. She asked me in Kannada.

I thought for a moment. Our conversation continued in Kannada. I have translated the conversation into English.

Me: Sorry, I am not able to recognize your voice.

She: I am from Mysore. You were staying on the same street where I lived.

Again, I thought a bit, The first image that passed through in my mind was that tall girl. It was a mixed feeling of shock, surprise and thrill. I was in confusion. A lot of questions going through my mind is that same girl or someone else is playing around me? How did she get my number, why did she call me now, etc?

Me: Are you the same tall girl who was staying at the end of the street next to the Dairy farm?

She: Hmm

I was so excited with that answer. I never expected I would ever connect with my fantasy girl, and along with that excitement lot of questions also ran through my mind.

Me: Sorry, I don’t know your name.

She: Sangeeta.

Wow, beautiful name, my mind told.

Me: How did you get my phone number?

I started to clear my doubts one by one.

She: Through your roommate.

She reminded me of one small incident that happened a few days back. A few days back, my roommate wanted to make a phone call to one of his friends. At that time, his phone had very little battery. He asked for my phone, and he made a call. I never tried to know whom he was calling and never saved that number.

She reminded me of that phone call incident. She said that a phone call was made to her phone number, and my roommate informed her he was calling from his friend’s number. I never knew my roommate was in touch with this girl till that time.

Here it is. The 2nd innings started. This time, we connected through a phone call. Our regular phone calls started. She used to call me every evening after my office hours. During that time, Sangeeta revealed many surprising things to me. She informed me she had been admiring me since the first day she saw me.

She mentioned my height, and my dress sense attracted her. Sangeeta also mentioned every day. She was coming out of her house at the same time purposely to see me, and doing house chores was just an excuse to come out.

More surprising for me was she was trying to walk along with me on the street and asked her sister to measure her height compared to me. More shocking information is she also followed me to my house many times. But I never knew that till she said that.

We started to share our feelings for each other, and slowly the attraction was turning towards love, but we never dared to express our love to each other. We discussed more about our family members, our daily routines etc. During the same time, my parents started looking for a suitable match for my marriage.

I was in a dilemma. Even though we were talking like friends, we both knew what we were expecting from each other. I realized that my parents never agreed to this girl as their daughter-in-law. There are a lot of differences between the two cultures and family status.

I started giving her hints about my parents’ intentions regarding my marriage and also about their mindset. She was very sad, and many times, she expressed her sadness indirectly. Once my marriage was fixed with another girl, Sangeeta started to fight with me for silly reasons.

Finally, my marriage date is fixed. Slowly, Sangeeta started to maintain distance between us. She stopped talking to me completely days before my marriage. I asked her to continue our good friendship after marriage also. She said even though it was pure friendship, the new girl wouldn’t accept that.

Our one-year-old love and friendship is coming to an end. After my marriage, Sangeeta stopped communicating completely. Slowly, I also started forgetting Sangeeta. I moved on with life. I got a new job abroad and moved to Africa. I have faced many ups and downs in life.

8 years passed in my married life. My daughter entered our life. I got busy with new responsibilities. Before marriage, I was never involved in any sexual relationship with any girls. But after marriage, a few new girls came into my life. Meantime, I completely forgot Sangeeta.

Those days, I was active on social media. One day, I saw a new friend request from an unknown lady on my Facebook page. I tried to recognize her by her looks, but I could not make out with the profile picture. There were no common friends between us. The only clue was her location.

She mentioned her location, Mysore. Once again, I went into a flashback. This is the third accidental connection. Sangeeta. Yes, I can recognize those eyes. That slender, tall girl now looks like a chubby housewife. Her profile name says a different name.

But I am sure this is my dream girl. Immediately I accepted her request and sent Hi to her in messenger.

3rd and more exciting innings are waiting for me. This time, old lovers connected again with different mindsets. Now, both of us had different responsibilities. We both are married and living with family.

Me: Sangeeta.

Sangeeta: You still remember me, Prashant?

Me: How can I forget you?

Sangeeta: I was in a lot of confusion. I was in doubt whether you would accept my request or not.

I was so excited to connect with Sangeeta once again. Our chat continued for a few days and then we exchanged our phone numbers and continued our communication with WhatsApp. At that time, I was in Africa, my wife and kid settled back in India.

I had a lot of free time after the office hours. Slowly, our chat converted to calls and then video calls. Even though we were talking friendly, there were a lot of emotions building up between me and Sangeeta. During one such chat, I sent her a hug emoji to express my happiness in response to her chat.

Immediately, Sangeeta asked me what it meant. I said I just felt to hug her. Sangeeta asked me why now. I said it’s my dream to hug her since the day I first saw her. I confessed my 8 years back feelings for her. She became silent, and I did not get any reply from her.

After a few minutes, I realized my mistake. I am sorry. Still, she did not reply to me. I called her, and after a few rings, she answered the call. She was sobbing.

Me: Sangeeta, Sorry.

Sangeeta: Prashanth… (still sobbing) Do you know, I was waiting to hear this from you for so many years? I am not able to understand what I feel. One side of my heart is saying I am getting my love after so many years of waiting. I feel like jumping in the air. But my mind says I have already moved a long way on a different path, and it is not possible to come back from this stage. I feel sad that I am getting my love at this stage of life. How can I feel that love?

She was in a dilemma. She was in confusion how to accept that now after marriage and after having a kid. Again, I said sorry to her, I said I would not make her uncomfortable with such talk again, and I promised her I would remain her best friend forever.

I made her comfortable. Slowly, she came back to normal. Slowly, we started discussing about our old days. Whenever we talk, we discuss about those thrills in those small gazes without knowing anybody. She shared her heartbreak after knowing I was leaving Mysore.

She also shared her struggle to reach me before I got onto the bus while I was leaving from Mysore. Slowly, our friendship started to move in a different direction. A strong bonding was building between us, and we started to share our things, likes and dislikes of our partners.

The veil of that friendship started to move out. We started to express our love for each other whenever we moved into such situations. One day, I took off from work, and Sangeeta was also at home alone. We had a video call. Slowly, we started to express love on a video call.

We both were in a good mood, and that call turned out to be romantic. Even though we did not cross our boundaries, that call was one of the hottest video calls between us. After that video call, we started to discuss our love openly. Finally, my leave was sanctioned from my office, and my vacation started.

I booked my ticket for India. I informed Sangeeta about my travel plan and asked her if she could meet me once. She was so excited after hearing I was coming to India. But same time, she was worried. She was scared to meet me in her hometown.

She told me she would try to come to Bangalore to see me once. We decided to meet in a shopping mall in Bangalore. I landed in Bangalore early morning, went directly to the hotel room, and waited for Sangeeta’s phone call. Sangeeta reached Bangalore around noon.

She asked me to come to the Satellite bus stop on Mysore Road. Till that time, we were not sure where to meet and what’s the plan after that. I reached the satellite bus stand. I find my dream girl in the corner of the bus stand after searching for 10 minutes.

Sangeeta was standing in a green kurti. She was waiting for me. I could see the tension in her face. I wanted to hug Sangeeta. But she told me we had to move out immediately. She was afraid of known people if any.

She said, “Let’s go to your hotel room. That’s the only place we can sit without anyone’s disturbance.” I guided the auto driver to my hotel room. It was almost half an hour’s travel. I wanted to hold her hand and make her comfortable. But she was so scared.

Finally, we reached the hotel room. She entered my room, and I followed her. I just closed the door. Sangeeta was still tense. She was standing near the window and looking outside. Slowly, I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her stomach. I hugged her softly.

Sangeeta leaned on my chest and still looked outside the window. I hugged her tightly and gave a soft kiss on her ears. She turned towards me and hugged me tight. We remained in each other’s arms for 10 minutes. This was the first touch of my dream girl. I had waited for this touch for 12 long years.

I guided her to bed. I sat beside her and wrapped my arms around her shoulder. Sangeeta leaned on my shoulder and rested her cheeks on my chest. I was caressing her hair, caressing her cheeks and caressing her shoulder. We just felt each other’s presence together.

We remained like that for half an hour without a single word. Just feeling the warmth of each other’s touch. I called her “Sangeeta.” I took her face in my palm and kissed her forehead. Sangeeta closed her eyes. I kissed her eyes, slowly my lips moving all over her face.

I kissed her cheeks, her chin, and her nose. Her eyes were still closed. Slowly, I kissed her lips. She was not responding. She just closed her eyes and felt my kisses. I kissed her lips again. Sangeeta opened her lips a little bit. I took her lips between my lips and sucked them slowly.

Sangeeta responded this time and kissed me back. Suddenly we hugged tightly and sucking each other’s mouth wildly. I rolled over her, my fingers roaming all over her body while our lips locked. Sangeeta caressed my face and put her fingers in my hair.

My fingers moved over her stomach and slowly moved up towards her boobs. I put my leg on her legs, and my fingers moved over Sangeeta’s milky boobs. I pressed her boobs softly. Sangeeta let out a moan and bit my lips softly. I put my hands inside her kurti and caressed her stomach.

I slowly pushed her kurti up. I rubbed my face to her belly button and kissed her navel. Sangeeta held my hair in both her hands and swirled her body with pleasure. I pulled her dress over her head and removed it completely. I kissed Sangeeta’s boobs over her black bra.

I removed her bra hooks and brought her milky boobs out of the cage. I took her one nipple between my lips and put my hand on her other boob. Sangeeta closed her eyes and moaned loudly. My hand started to roam all over Sangeeta’s swirling body. I was caressing her hips over her pants.

Slowly, I put my fingers inside her pants and touched her triangle over her panty. Sangeeta jumped in excitement when my fingers touched her love hole. My fingers felt the heat and wetness on her panty. My lips sucked Sangeeta’s boobs one by one. My finger slowly made its way to enter her panty.

My fingers lifted her panty a little bit and entered inside. My one finger slowly rubbed her wet pussy, and my other finger followed the first one. I just loosened her pants and pushed them down. I stepped out of the bed and pulled her pants below her feet.

Sangeeta slept on the bed, closing both her eyes. I just stood beside her and filled my dream girl’s beauty in my eyes. I removed my shirt and pants, took both her legs in my hands, kissed her feet slowly, kissed her ankles, kissed her legs and kissed her knee.

I sat on Sangeeta’s legs and kissed her thighs. I gave her love bites on her thighs, and Sangeeta moaned in loud with pain and pleasure. I kissed Sangeeta’s love hole over her wet panty and pulled her panty down. I made Sangeeta stark naked and kissed her love hole again.

I rolled my tongue on her wet pussy and licked her love juice. I widened her legs and sat between her legs. I parted her pussy lips with my fingers and put my tongue inside her pussy hole. I was sucking her love juice from deep inside her love hole.

Sangeeta’s legs crossed over my back. She is pulling me deep inside her, holding my hair in both her hands. Sangeeta’s moaning got increased, and sounds were coming out of her mouth in the rhythm of my pussy sucking. I put my one finger in her ass hole and increased the speed of my mouth fucking.

Sangeeta pushed her hips up and asked me to do it faster. I ate her pussy deep, and she started to release more juice. Sangeeta’s body started trembling. She was pushing her hips up, her legs clutched tight on my back. Her hands hold my hair tight.

Her eyes closed tightly, and her upper teeth biting her lower lips tightly. She gave one quick jerk to her body. Juices started flowing on my face. Her body shuddered for a few seconds, and she collapsed on the bed. I came up and kissed her forehead.

I made her sleep on my shoulder and hugged her from the side. Sangeeta put her head on my chest and hugged me back. We slept for 10 minutes. We were feeling each other’s body warmth silently. I was caressing her back slowly. Sangeeta just looked up into my eyes and kissed my chest softly.

Her fingers moved in my chest hair. I kissed her nose softly. Sangeeta’s hand moved down and rubbed my semi-erect dick over my underwear.

My dick became rock hard on her touch. Sangeeta inserted her hand inside my underwear and took my hard cock in her hand, and gave a small stroke. I bit her earlobe softly. Sangeeta sat on her knees and pulled down my underwear. She took my hard dick and started to rub the pre-cum from top to bottom.

Sangeeta bent down and rolled her tongue on my hard dick. She kissed the tip of my pink dick and took my hard cock inside her mouth. Sangeeta started to give me a blowjob slowly, and her fingers played with my balls. Pressure was building inside me.

I wanted to fill Sangeeta’s love hole with my first cum. I pulled Sangeeta over me and pinned her down, and I climbed over her. I took her lips between my lips, and Sangeeta pushed her tongue inside my mouth. My tongue started playing with Sangeeta’s tongue.

We were sucking each other’s mouth wildly. I put my hard dick on her pussy lips and tried to enter her love hole. Sangeeta guided my hard cock inside her wet pussy. I pushed my hips against her hip and pushed my hard dick deep inside her. My hard rod slipped deep inside her wet pussy.

She hugged me tight and bit my lips with excitement when my cock entered her. My hands clipped under her back, Sangeeta’s nails scratching my back. Our mouths sucking each other, and my feet rubbing her legs. I was grinding her love hole and slowly increasing my speed in a rhythm.

Sangeeta pushed her hips in the same rhythm and moaned in pleasure. My hands are squeezing Sangeeta’s boob, my lips kissing her neck, my legs rubbing her legs, my hips hitting her hips. My rock-hard dick moved in and out inside her dripping pussy.

Her wet slippery pussy made sounds in the same rhythm. Sangeeta lifted her hips and hit back against my hips. Her moaning sound increased, and her grip on my back tightened. We are both nearing our climax. This was the most beautiful moment of our life.

We waited 12 long years for these feelings. My dream girl is in my arms. We are just feeling the pleasure of love. My hard breath is touching her mouth, Sangeeta’s body warmth is passing to my body. My heart is beating against her heartbeat, my fingers clutching her fingers.

My lips locked with her lips, my legs clipped with her legs, my hips hitting against her hips. Two loving hearts become one, two loving souls united. We were on top of the world, we were in the peak of the pleasure. Sangeeta let out a loud moan and gave one big push against my hips.

I gave one strong jerk and released my juice inside Sangeeta’s pussy. My water flowed inside the love hole and met her love juice. I collapsed on her. She hugged me tight. I lay down on the bed and kissed her lips softly. We hugged sideways and slept for half an hour, hugging each other.

This is the only meet we have had in the last 18 years, but memorable meet. We still have the same love and respect for each other. After that meeting, our chat was reduced to just hi, hello because of family reasons. But after 6 years, we started to talk again like before. Hope to meet her again.

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