Married Indian woman’s cheating sex with neighbour

I am married for more than 8 years and I even have two children. I am a working Indian woman who is living a normal life. But one day, I heard that one of my husband’s friend’s wife cheated on him. After hearing that, I don’t know why but I wanted to know why people cheat in a relationship. I searched it online and many websites said that he/she was not sexually satisfied, he/she didn’t have any interest in each other, etc.

But by all this, I was not satisfied because I had met that woman who cheated and I knew she was satisfied with her husband and they both were on good terms. So why she cheated on him? If it was me, I would never cheat on my husband. I love him. But why do other women or men do so? From that day on, this question got stuck in my head, “Why do people cheat on their partners?”

A week after that incident, a new neighbour came to live in my society. They were a newly married couple with no children. I and my husband thought that we should go and welcome them because they live next to us only.

On the very first day, I and my husband helped them move their things to the 10th floor. After the work, they both thanked us and invited us for dinner after they had done some cleaning in their new home. We also accepted their invitation. We decided to have dinner together after a week.

The next day, I got leave from my office so I thought that I should go and do some shopping. While returning home, I realized that I had purchased too much and that I can’t carry all of this. Then on the way home, I saw the new neighbour and he also saw me. He came and helped me by carrying some of those bags.

On the way home, we both were taking about the days before our marriage. The neighbour stated that he used to have many girls with him and he was very popular with girls in his younger days. I don’t know why but I asked him, “Have you ever cheated on anyone of them?” He smiled and said, “Sometimes.”

Then I asked him, “What do you think why do people cheat on partners?”

He said, “Wow wow, where did that come from all of a sudden? Ummm, I don’t know. The reason can be different for different people. You have to find the answer to this question alone.”

Then we continued with the usual talk and reached home. Every morning before going to the office, I used to go to the garden for doing some yoga. From that day onward, I started meeting my neighbour guy in the garden every morning. We use to talk and do yoga together. This thing of meeting every day and talking made us good friends.

After a week the day to go to the neighbor’s house for dinner came. We all had dinner together while talking and laughing. Then we decided to get some drinks, so I made my children sleep and we all started drinking.

After drinking for quite a while, my husband and the neighbour’s wife passed out because they both had too many drinks. I and my neighbour were also not in a complete state of consciousness. We decided that the party was over and I was going to take my husband home. When I stood up, I fell but my neighbour caught me and said, “Are you all right? I can’t see you getting hurt because you are my best friend now.”

I said I was fine and I took my husband and went home. From that day onward, we both became good friends and started to talk a lot. Once during our conversation, I confessed to the neighbour that I wanted to know the real reason behind people cheating on their partners. I thought that he would laugh but he said, “We will see.”

Days passed and our bond grew stronger and stronger. Then something happened that changed everything.

One day, he again met me on the road and helped me carry my shopping bags. He said, “Remember, we met the first time like this only.”

I laughed and said, “Yes indeed.”

While on the way, he said to me, “Hey, do you know something?”

I said, “What?”

He said, “Well, it’s just.. I..I kind of like you.”

At that time, my face got all red and when I looked at him, he suddenly kissed me and said, “Let’s have sex only for once.”

I slapped him and went o my house. But from that day onward, I couldn’t stop thinking about my neighbour all day and all night. I kept thinking about him. I stopped talking to him but still, I couldn’t forget him.

One night I was not able to sleep, so I decided to walk on the building’s rooftop. But I was not alone, my neighbour was already there and when he saw me, he said, “Oh, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

When I saw him, my hands started to shake, my mind went blind but I decided to slap him again. I moved toward him. When I approached him, instead of slapping him, I kissed him! I don’t know why but I said, “Let’s have sex only for once.”

My neighbour guy immediately kissed me back and said ok. The next day we both didn’t go to our offices and stayed at our houses. When everyone left, he came to my house and said, “Let’s do it.”

I knew that what I was doing was wrong but I was feeling excited. He locked the door and kissed me. Then he threw me on the sofa and removed his clothes. He tore off all my clothes and started sucking my boobs. Then I gave him a blowjob and drank all his cum.

After that, my married neighbour sucked my pussy and fingered it. Then he put his dick inside me and started fucking me. I don’t know why but I liked it and I didn’t want him to stop. He was driving me crazy and in the end, he came inside me. When everything was over, he said, “Did you get your answer?”

I said, “Yes, indeed.”

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