Enjoying an old wine – Part 1

No man in this world goes to his grave without fantasizing about a sexcapade with an older woman than him. To very few, it materializes. I am one of those lucky few to have experienced that heaven. ISS has a great role in me developing my sexual preferences and a greater role in me fulfilling my fantasies. Going to the story, this is my real-life story. Enjoy a dopamine-filled session involving two good people of emotions.

I am M, 32 years old. This happened in my 30th year of life. Being a doctor with three medical degrees, I never had time to look after my physique. I am penning this story, as I got time after a busy OPD on a Saturday evening. I am an average-looking guy with 169 cm height and 73 kg weight. But the guy’s looks in sex is overrated. All your woman wants in bed is pleasure. Speak more to reach her heart, crack more jokes to get her brain, caress her more to reach her nerves, touch her more to reach her juices. Finally, use your strength to help her lose her load. Web series and movies might have given a wrong notion about sex and pleasure. Pleasure is neither about looks, nor about strength. It’s much more.

Three years back, after I had a breakup, I was confused about my needs, whether I needed love or lust in my life. Then I decided all I wanted at that stage of life was lust. I enrolled myself on all dating sites. I would be honest in my approach. I am just looking for lust. After defeats and making a few friends, my stars worked.

I came across P, 44 years old, a divorcee, and a doctor like me. We chatted for days. We never discussed sex. Guys, I will tell you the tip, women give a lot of hints, and it’s up to us to get it right.

One night after our customary exchanges, P told me, “M, I crave something special, which I can’t describe, but I know it’s extraordinary.” I got my hint right, I was like, “P, do you feel vibrations in certain parts of your body?” The reply was yes.

I followed it up with, “Do you want me to name those places, where you feel the vibration?” Then started the game. I gently described her erotic spots and what I would do if I were with her to those erotic spots. Pics exchanged, emotions exchanged, joys exchanged, and wetness exchanged. That was how our first forbidden night started. We discussed things, passions, likes and dislikes.

Then we decided to meet. I went to her city. I had to take two flights from my city. The initial plan was to meet at the airport and then go to a tourist spot from there. I was ok with it for privacy reasons. I had booked my hotel accommodation in her city too to rest for a few hours.

After I landed at the airport, P pinged me to come to her house. I was like, “Are you sure?” She was fine with it. I proceeded towards her home, a good 30 minutes from the airport. The entire journey seemed lengthier.

I reached her apartment complex. It was a posh housing society. I escaped many prowling eyes, thanks to my early morning flight. P came down to receive me.

We reached her home. P showed me the guest bedroom to freshen up. I freshened up and came out. P was in her pink floral dress. We were hesitant, as we were meeting for the first time. I went up to P and made her sit on my thighs, and looked at her magnetic eyes, it was bright, it was inviting. I knew the eventual would happen any moment next.

I hugged her, but P showed no restraint. I felt her. She was as soft as silk. Our breaths were faster. I held her by her ears, saw her eyes for 30 seconds, placed my first kiss on her forehead, then came her cheeks’ turn to be kissed by me. Her lips, earlobes, neck everything wanted my attention. I duly gave them all.

I wanted to feel her. I started caressing her all over her body, her eyes, her neck, her arms, her feet, her thighs, her bums, her boobs, her nipples and finally her vertical lips.

When it was time to disrobe her, she said, “Can we reserve it for the resort, we booked?” But I was not patient enough then. There came off her robes, and with that, her shyness. Being a woman in her early 40s, grey hairs had their fair share, wherever there was hair. She then proceeded to disrobe me. I placed her in front of me. I stood with my erect cock facing her ass creek and I told her, “Let’s just feel each other for a while.”

I placed my hands all over her body and felt every inch of her body. I made her close her eyes and felt her body from behind. With my four fingers, I played with her body like a guitar. I caressed and fondled her elevations like her breasts, navel, bums, and thighs. I slid my fingers into all her hidden gems like her armpits, ass creeks, cleavage, her inner thighs, and whatnot. I made her enjoy my touches, I spoke sex in her ears, and my grips were stronger.

The penultimate move of my seduction was with her nipples. I played with them gently, encircled them, and made them my rosary beads. As I continued to play with her nipples, her ecstasy was raging high.

She then turned towards me with her sulking eyes with her expression saying, “Man, don’t be cruel, feed me with what you have.” I told her, “Honey, wait.” She arched her back on me. My fingers reached the playground. I started with her inner thighs on both sides. I simultaneously felt, played with them, and proceeded to her salt and pepper pubic hairs. I rubbed them like fur. Her moans were getting stronger.

I slowly reached her clitoris and gently started stroking them with my fingers. Nectar was coming slowly like honey coming from a recently disturbed honeycomb. I stroked her clitoris as gently as possible, she was moaning like music coming from an old instrument.

It was time for her pussy to have some pleasure. She thought I would use my fingers there too. But I changed my gears and decided to use my tongue. I made her sit in the bed, split her legs, and went straight into her vertical lips. I started licking her inner thighs, bit her clit gently, and then penetrated her caves with my tongue. Her exact comment was, “I thought you were a paper tiger, but you are a tiger on the bed.”

I drank her juices to the possible last drop. I stimulated her nerve endings, till she gasped and said, “I am done M.”

She received her first orgasm of many more to come. Now, it was her turn to do the honors. Like old wine, mature women are good pleasure givers and pleasure takers.

I will soon write the subsequent parts of the series. The next part would be the damsel’s efforts to prepare me for a long ride. Comments, feedback, and discussion would be appreciated on [email protected]

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