Injuries are good at times – Part 1

An injury can sometimes lead to missed opportunities. But occasionally, it opens doors to unexpected possibilities. In this case, a fortunate blend of being in the right place at the right time.

A stroke of luck helped me find myself in a situation I hadn’t anticipated—getting close to Ananya in a way I hadn’t expected.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another chapter of my journey. I’m Krish, a 30-year-old from Hyderabad who is now navigating life in the USA. I want to share a recent experience involving Ananya, which was quite memorable.

The background of how it all began: I injured my knee during a weekend tournament. To facilitate my recovery, I started seeing a physical therapist at a nearby clinic. The sessions and exercises showed promise initially. However, my progress was uneven, prompting me to stick with my weekly appointments.

During my second week of therapy, I met Ananya for the first time. We were both being treated by the same doctor. Because I was a regular, I was familiar with the routine while the doctor-assisted her. The doctor introduced us since our sessions would be on the same schedule.

It was an unusual occurrence, as doctors—or anyone, for that matter—rarely facilitate such introductions in the USA. Maybe that’s where luck had a hand in shaping the outcome. During our initial meetings, we quickly became acquainted and exchanged pleasantries.

While our interactions were brief initially, we gradually began to help and hold each other accountable, bringing us closer together. As time passed, our conversations extended beyond the therapy sessions, often during our walks to and from the cars.

We exchanged Instagram handles, marking the first significant shift in our relationship. Sharing tips and tricks for recovery soon evolved into exchanging humorous reels and personal stories. Eventually, our conversations became more personal.

One day, over coffee, I discovered that Ananya was married. I was taken aback and made sure she knew my surprise. I showered her with compliments and playful flirtations, making her blush and feel more at ease around me. That day, she said it had been a while since she had smiled so much.

When I asked why, she deflected the question, and I respected her privacy. Things took a turn during one of our combined therapy sessions. While mid-routine, I noticed Ananya about to trip and rushed to help. In the process, I inadvertently touched her side boob and involuntarily squeezed it.

Ananya seemed preoccupied and didn’t react much, so we continued our sessions. Later,  we walked to our cars. I inquired about what had happened. She remained silent until my persistent questioning caused her to tear up.
Seeing her distress, I hugged her and suggested we chat at a nearby coffee shop.

As she gathered her thoughts, Ananya opened up about her life. She shared that she was in an arranged marriage. She had moved to the USA and had a loving but highly critical husband. Despite having a fulfilling career and a busy life, her marriage had lost its romance after the birth of their child.

Her husband’s recent critical comments about her appearance had pushed her to overdo her gym routine. Leading to her injury and subsequent physical therapy.
She revealed that the previous day had been their anniversary. She had prepared his favourite meal and planned a romantic evening.

But she was met with indifference from him. This lack of acknowledgement hurt her deeply, and her eyes were red from crying. Despite her distress, I couldn’t help but chuckle, which initially upset her. I quickly explained that my reaction was due to my frustration with her husband’s behaviour.

I expressed how I thought he was incredibly thoughtless and reassured Ananya that she deserved much better. I was raw and unfiltered, crossing a line.

I told her, “If I had a wife like you, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you—fuck private, not even in public. And on an occasion like yesterday, I would have kept you up all night, ensuring we missed everything today.”

I knew I’d pushed the envelope when those words left my lips. Yet, in her vulnerable state, she seemed to appreciate the audacity, and a provocative smile curved her lips. That was the crack in the dam I’d been waiting for. I gripped Ananya’s hand firmly.

My eyes locked with hers, and I leaned in close, lowering my voice to a hushed, seductive murmur. My words were charged with a heated, explicit edge as I continued to flirt with a brazen intensity. Her reaction was electrifying. A shy, knowing smile and a flush spread from her cheeks to her chest.

She slowly revealed more about herself, and our conversation took a daring turn. We ventured into deeply personal territory, focusing increasingly on our lives’ intimate, sensual details. Just as the tension between us peaked, her phone rang. It was with a call from her husband, asking where she was.

Reluctantly, we had to part ways. But not before I took a bold risk. I pulled her into a tight embrace and pressed a lingering kiss on her cheek. Ananya was momentarily stunned, her eyes wide with surprise. Before she could react or say anything, I walked toward my car, leaving her in the heat of the moment.

Later that night, a message popped up on Instagram. Ananya commented on my daring move, which led to our first intense, erotic chat.

“Your bold move today left me breathless,” Ananya messaged.

“I couldn’t help myself,” I replied, fingers flying across the keyboard. “You looked stunning, and I needed to taste your skin.”

“Taste my skin? LOL, BTW, What would you have done if we were alone?” Ananya responded. Her words showed a sense of desire.

“I would have devoured you whole,” I said, my words burning with passion. “My lips would have claimed yours, my hands would have explored every inch of your body, and my fingers would have left fire trails on your skin.”

Ananya’s response was immediate. “I want that,” she said. “I want you to consume me, to make me yours.”

“My pleasure,” I replied, my heart racing with anticipation. “When we’re alone, I’ll ensure you feel every inch of my desire. You’ll be mine, body and soul.”

Our sexual conversation began, and though it was not explicit, the tension was at its peak. A glimpse of the conversation

Ananya: I want to feel your desire, Krish. I want to know what it’s like to be consumed by your passion.

Krish: My passion for you is like wildfire, Ananya. It burns bright and hot, and it cannot be contained. I feel like melting into your skin when I touch you.

Ananya: I want to feel that heat, Krish. I want to be melted by your touch.

Krish: Then let me touch you, Ananya. Let me show you the passion that burns within me.

Ananya: I want to feel your hands on me, Krish. I want to feel your fingers tracing my skin.

Krish: My fingers are eager to explore your curves, Ananya. They want to discover every inch of your beauty.

Ananya: Then let them, Krish. Let them wander across my skin and leave fire trails in their wake.

Krish: My lips are eager to follow, Ananya. They want to taste the sweetness of your skin and feel the heat of your passion.

Ananya: Then let them, Krish. Let them drink in the nectar of my desire, and let us get lost in the sea of our passion.

Ananya: Krish, your words are teasing me, tantalizing me. I feel like I’m on the edge of something explosive.

Krish: Ananya, you’re pushing me to the limit. My desire for you is raging like a storm, threatening to consume us both.

Ananya: Consume us, Krish. Let the storm sweep us away. I want to feel your passion unleashed.

Krish: My passion is a force of nature, Ananya. It will leave us both breathless and wanting more. Are you ready to surrender to its power?

Ananya: Yes, I am. Let me surrender and have a taste of that power.

Hearing that we decided to meet ASAP, the question was where and when. As we struggled to find an answer, it lay right before us. In a eureka moment, we figured it out, i.e., the timing of our therapy session.

The plan is simple: We will meet as usual in the therapy clinic’s parking lot, then head to our destination and disperse.

How did we meet, and what happened next? I shall pen it in another part. In the meantime, please feel free to share your views, comments, and thoughts at [email protected].

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