Bonding with a stranger I met on a train – Part 1

Hi all I’m again back with an incident which dates a few years back. I was travelling from Mumbai to Pune during the monsoon. It was a Saturday morning. The train was scheduled to leave from Dadar station. I was waiting at the platform number 10.

I saw an elegant lady standing in the crowd. It was not very difficult to distinguish her from the crowd. She was busy with her phone while silently waiting outside the same coach as mine. The train arrived in a few minutes. I entered the train and got settled at my side lower seat.

My coach wasn’t that crowded. As I was settling in my seat, I saw the same girl approaching me, looking for her seat number. Fortunately, her seat was right above mine. There was no one else in the compartment. She kept her luggage under my seat and we exchanged a smile.

My seat was split into two as I didn’t intend to sleep during the journey. I offered her the other half of the seat, and she happily accepted. She made herself comfortable while I was looking outside the window.

The journey started in a few minutes. It was a quiet and comfortable coach. Both of us were occasionally busy on our phones or looking outside, sometime and next station came. The rest of our compartments started getting occupied.

As the train left the next station, I decided to break the silence with her, smiled and said.

Me: Hi!

She: Hi! (with a smile)

Me: Where are you going?

She: I’m going to Pune for the weekend with my cousins. What about you?

Me: I’m also going to Pune to see a friend. We’re meeting after a long time.

We talked about various topics, each other’s jobs, the weather, Mumbai/Pune life, how life changes with age, family. Her name was Sonam. She looked quite sweet and elegant. I was mesmerised by her beauty. But, I decided to control my emotions and tried not to reflect my feelings in our conversation.

She looked to be in her mid/late thirties and had a daughter. Her husband and daughter had already gone to Pune a day before. But she had some office work to do so that she couldn’t join them.

After some time, she dozed off while sitting, and I was also feeling a little sleepy. I would occasionally stare at her while I was half asleep. After some time, when I woke up, I saw her busy on her mobile. We were about to reach Pune, but I didn’t want this journey to end.

I gathered some courage to start the conversation again. We talked about our plan while in Pune and plan to come back to Mumbai. She was going to stay in Pune for 4 days while I was coming back in two days. Pune station arrived in no time.

I don’t know where I got the guts. I asked her if she wanted to share her number. My excitement had no bounds. But I didn’t show it on my face when she agreed, and we exchanged numbers. We both shared Hi on WhatsApp and deboarded the train.

My friend was there at the station to receive me. I joined him and went from there. I didn’t expect much to happen after that as we both were married and busy with our lives and family. I didn’t message her again on WhatsApp as I thought it would look desperate.

A few months passed by, and I occasionally checked her DP on WhatsApp. One fine day, I was out with my wife for shopping in Mumbai. I noticed her in the same market with her daughter and another female. I got excited, but I couldn’t do much at that time was I was with my family.

After returning home, I opened WhatsApp and messaged her.

Me: Hi!

Sonam: Hi, how have you been?

Me: I’ve been good. I think I saw you on the Linking Road market today.

Sonam: What are you saying? I was there with my friend and my daughter. You could have said hi.

Me: I was with my family, and I wasn’t very sure if it was you.

Sonam: Come on, it’s been only two months, and I don’t think I’ve changed that much. Anyways, some other time.

We started talking after that about work and family. I got to know that her office is quite close to mine (walking distance). This got me excited. I started thinking about how we could meet in person easily.

Sonam: That’s quite close. We can meet sometime during lunchtime.

Me: Of course, let’s meet someday.

Sonam: Yeah, I’m free during lunchtime tomorrow. Don’t have much work, so can step out for some time.

Me: let me find a place nearby and make a reservation.

Sonam: Reservation! Ahem ahem! Doesn’t need to be a fancy one.

Me: It would be good if it a a quiet one, away from all the hustle.

Sonam: Makes sense.

Me: I’ll let you know! There’s a place in Palladium, Asian cuisine.

Sonam: I’m fine with Asian.

Me: I’ll book a table for tomorrow 1.

Sonam: Sounds good.

I was excited about the plan and couldn’t stop thinking about it again and again. I got up early on Monday and left early for the office so that I could finish some work on time. I reached the agreed location around 12:50, and I messaged her.

Me: Hi, where are you?

Sonam: Reaching in 15 minutes.

I waited for some time, and there she was, looking absolutely stunning in a high waist long black skirt and top. She came a little close, and we hugged (a very light, gentle hug). I was mesmerised by her beauty scent and forgot about anything else. I quickly came to my senses when she asked about the plan.

We then entered the restaurant, and the reception lady led us to our reserved table. Intentionally, I had reserved a table that was a little away from the crowd. I had been to the restaurant earlier. We sat comfortably in our corner, facing each other.

Sonam: This place is actually nice.

Me: Yeah, I have been here earlier.

Sonam: It seems like you have good taste.

Me: You can say that. What would you like to order?

Sonam: Since you know this place, I’d let you order for both of us.

I ordered food. We were casually talking while having food. We would occasionally look into each other’s eyes, but nothing more than that. We left for our offices after that and promised to see each other again. As soon as I reached the office, I saw her message on my phone.

Sonam: It was nice meeting you again, Sameer, after such a long time!

Me: It was a pleasure to meet you, Sonam.

Sonam: Such a coincidence that our offices are nearby. We wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t messaged me after you saw me in the market.

Me: Would you want to catch up again?

Sonam: Of course, why not!

Me: Great, let’s plan sometime soon.

Sonam: We don’t need to plan. Our offices are 5 minutes away, and we can connect whenever we both are free.

Me: It makes sense. We can meet after the office too!

Sonam: Actually, I have to get home as soon as I get free from work.

Me: Yeah, I can understand. Your daughter must be waiting every day.

Sonam: Yeah.

Me: How long have you been married?

Sonam: It’s been over 7 years. How about you?

Me: Around 5 years.

Sonam: Do you miss bachelor life?

Me: Of course I do, don’t you?

Sonam: Kind of.

Me: It was a carefree life. No responsibilities, no commitments.

Sonam: It seems like someone is really missing it!

Me: Haha, yeah, kind of. Can I ask you something?

Sonam: Go ahead.

Me: How was your dating life before marriage?

Sonam: Pretty good.

Me: Nice! Do you miss any of it now?

Sonam: Who doesn’t?

Me: What do you miss?

Sonam: All of it

I was quite happy that our conversation was moving to a little naughtier side. It was quite exciting because such conversations were quite unusual after marriage. I decided to go with the flow and push limits a bit to see her reaction.

Me: There must be something specific that you miss more than anything else.

Sonam: You know what! A good kiss is very underrated.

I was shocked by her response, but I decided to go with the flow

Me: Yeah, good kisses are rare. What’s your definition of a good kiss?

Sonam: Well, I don’t know, you know when it is good. Hard to describe.

Me: Yeah, I can understand. When two people don’t rush into things and focus on kissing, it’s amazing.

Sonam: Exactly. Everything these days has become superfast. People need to learn to keep it slow.

Our conversation was going really well. By this time, I was already hard. I wanted to take things slow, but the thing in my pants wanted something else. It was, anyway, a slow discussion. Her response was not so quick, and I was also working, so I couldn’t talk in one flow.

By this time, I left for home while chatting with her.

Me: So you like it slow? A kiss should start slow!

Sonam: Yeah, of course.

Me: It’s best when you spend time kissing the person properly.

Sonam: Absolutely. What do you miss? You haven’t told me yet.

Me: Other than good kiss you mean?

Sonam: Of course, from our conversation it’s clear that a good kiss is the basic for you, too.

Me: I think a good, warm, tight hug before the kiss can go a long way.

Sonam: Wow, perfect. Listen, we’ll talk later. I need to take care of a few things at home. I’ll message you later.

Me: Sure.

I was desperately waiting for her message. These were the longest few hours I spent at home. In the meantime, I spent some time with my wife, thinking about my chat earlier. I was getting cosy with my wife. We kissed passionately and played with each other a bit.

We both got turned on, and my wife got a call from her mom. She got busy talking to her mom, and I was busy surfing Netflix. My wife went to another room while talking to her mom. She slept there while talking. I was waiting for a message from Sonam, but she didn’t seem to be online.

I decided not to message her first because she could be with her family. After a long wait, I finally got a notification, and boom, it was a message from her.

Sonam: Awake?

Me: Yes, of course.

Sonam: Were you waiting for my message?

Me: Yes, my wife has slept already, and I was chilling in another room.

Sonam: Okay, sorry, I got busy and didn’t realise.

Me: That’s okay, where’s your daughter?

Sonam: She’s sleeping.

Me: You plan to sleep too?

Sonam: yes, after some time. My husband is in daughters room. He might sleep there. He came late from work. As a penalty, my daughter told him to tell a story, and she fell asleep.

Me: Oh, okay.

Sonam: Isn’t your wife expecting you?

Me: We actually sleep in the room I’m in. She slept in the other room while talking to her mother.

Sonam: Oh nice!

Me: So what were we talking about?

Sonam: Haha, I think kiss and hug. I can’t believe we discussed all that stuff.

Me: Me neither. In fact, when I returned home, I was thinking about that kiss thing and had an amazing kiss with my wife.

Sonam: Wow, you’re lucky. Tell me about it!

Me: Haha what should I tell you about?

Sonam: Kiss with your wife.

Me: Would that excite you?

Sonam: I don’t know. Depends on how it was.

Me: Well, when I came back, she was in the room sorting clothes. I hugged her as soon as I entered. She turned around, and I went forward to kiss her. It’s not that usual that we kiss when I come back home.

Sonam: Nice! That was it? Was it just a kiss?

Me: You want me to tell you everything that happened between me and my wife?

Sonam: Come on, I’m sure that was not it.

Me: Yeah, we did kiss for some time and did run my hand on her body. So did she, but then she got a call from her mother.

Sonam: Haha, poor you!

Me: Yeah.

Sonam: So you didn’t tell me what you missed.

Me: I told you na nice warm hug and a good kiss.

Sonam: I’m sure you must be missing something more than just a hug.

Me: What do you think I’m missing?

Sonam: that you only can tell. I’ve given you an open platform to share.

Me: Yeah, right. Quite open!

I decided to open up more with her so that the conversation could advance further.

Me: I think that while kissing feeling each other properly can go a long way.

Sonam: What’s your strategy at that time? Where do you prefer to feel?

Me: Everywhere on her body.

Sonam: I mean something worth mentioning, something that you miss.

Me: You tell me now, I’ve told a lot. What do you prefer to do while kissing?

Sonam: If he presses me against the wall and wraps one of my legs around him.

Me: That’s quite sexy! Makes me think about my experience.

Sonam: What else would you do to her?

Me: Well, I used to stay alone in my apartment. As soon as she entered, we would start kissing. I would press her with the door she entered from. I still remember the first time after we started dating.

Sonam: What do you remember the most?

Me: The first time I remember while kissing, I was trying to enter my hand into her top, but she resisted. I don’t know what came to my mind. I opened her jeans button and slipped my hand inside her pants and then her panty. She gasped, but we continued kissing.

Sonam: Sameer, that’s sexy, who wouldn’t love that. I’m sure you guys didn’t stop there.

I was surprised by her bold reaction. She was turned on. I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to advance.

Me: Someone seems to be excited. Of course, we didn’t. We were alone at home!

Sonam: Excited to know more about that day.

Me: Would that act excite you if your boyfriend did that to you?

Sonam: Of course it would. Sameer, are you telling me more?

Me: She was super clean down there. I felt, for some time, pinned her against the wall and slipped her pants and panty down to her ankles.

Sonam: OMG! Fuck!

Me: Are you okay?

Sonam: Yes, don’t worry about me.

Me: What do you think happened next?

Sonam: Something amazing, I suppose.

Me: Yeah, we started kissing again, and both of us got naked in no time. We were feeling each other’s bodies while kissing. We entered in my bedroom and she climbed on top of me and guided me inside her and we couldn’t stop till we got tired.

Sonam: Amazing, Sameer! Thanks for sharing it with me.

Me: What are you doing after getting excited?

Sonam: Nothing much, as much as I can do.

Me: Do you mind sharing with me?

Sonam: Sameer I can’t tell here, let’s talk on a phone call.

She called me, and we started talking about normal things first. Then I asked her about what she was doing. I was shocked to know that she was not wearing anything at that moment. She told me she removed her clothes as she got too excited and started feeling herself.

This is how the rest of our conversation went like over the call:

Me: I wish I were there.

Sonam: What would you have done if you were here?

Me: To be fair to you, I’ll get rid of all my clothes first.

Sonam: And?

Me: Then I’ll come and hug you.

Sonam: Sameer, please…

Me: And then I’ll place my lips on yours and feel every inch of my naked body with yours.

Sonam: Ahhh…

Me: I’m rubbing my penis between your legs while massaging your ass with both my hands.

Sonam: Sameer, please be gentle.

Me: I’ve now turned you around, held your left boob with one hand and the other hand on your pussy while I rub my manhood against your ass.

Sonam: I’m too wet.

Me: I’ll come on top of you and enter your pussy while kissing you.

Sonam: yes, I’m almost there, Sameer. Please don’t stop.

Me: I’m going in and out while playing with your tits.

Within no time, she was done, and I was done too. We were quite satisfied with our call. That was an amazing experience opening up with her. We both slept after that. Our bond got stronger after this conversation. I woke up satisfied in the morning.

It was after ages that I had a sensual conversation with anyone other than my wife. Before marriage, it was very common for me as I had a few female friends, and I had always been active on dating apps. I was looking forward to seeing what is there for me next in this relationship.

I’ll tell you about our next meeting in the next part. Please share your feedback on [email protected].

Next Part: Bonding with a stranger I met on a train – Part 2

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